The Best Home Loan for You
How do you decide? Do you go to your bank? Do you talk to friends/relatives? Do you look online? You may be missing the one BEST resource for a home loan, the person you’ll be working with most closely throughout the home buying process: Your Realtor.
Sure, he/she is the one who’ll find homes, show you homes, write and negotiate your contract, and take you through all the many moving parts of the transaction. But, when it comes to finding the best financing resources, the person whom you’ll be working most closely with, your Realtor, is the best place to start. To find the best home loan for you. Why is that?
The Best Kept Secret
Experienced Realtors (the good ones) work with lenders all the time. They are in constant communication with lenders throughout multitudes of transactions. They have developed a vast list of lender resources who are tried, tested, and trusted. After discussing your situation with you, a good Realtor will know what you need, and which lenders will be best suited to those needs.
Realtors build relationships with lenders, and that’s no small thing. It’s perhaps the most crucial part of buying a home- getting the right loan. The best home loan for you. What your Realtor can do for you is suggest lenders who:
- Have competitive rates
- Have numerous lending lines
- Understand the local market
- Are creative finding special programs
- Work with challenging credit scores
- Are responsive and good communicators
- Work closely with your Title Company
- Stick to closing timelines
- Have offices near you
So, when looking for the best home loan for you, use the best kept secret: Your Realtor.